The First LEGO League Open Championship at Bath, United Kingdom will witness a number of great and determined teams from all over the world out of which NALAYAK, from Hallmark Public School, Panchkula, India is one amongst all. India stands proud to see the budding technical experts at such a tender age of 15 to 19 years representing the nation at a global platform. The team has a total of 3 members from high school and is working hard to justify their game and earn maximum points during the competition.
We are Layaks
As the above three words itself describes the name of the team, let us make you more familiar with it. No, We are Genius! The true meaning of the team’s name which is NALAYAKS a Hindi word which means ‘Stupid’. We believe that it’s our perspective that matters the most. As impossible says- “I’m Possible”, NALAYAKS “Na! (WE ARE) Layaks”, Na means ‘No’; layaks means ‘We are Genius’. Interestingly the students have put it in a right way that perspective does matter and perhaps it is an essential part of mankind and its history. The title is appropriate in the sense it is viewing all the aspects of a situation and finding the best solution to overcome different challenges. The name has showered an impressive attitude of the team.
Team’s perspective!
The 3 young musketeers are going to showcase their collective talents on a global level and are working really hard to get through it. Spending most of the time in their high school laboratory, they are excited to trigger the best at the competition. They believe that perspective is a panacea to every problem and they will prove it through their project execution. After several attempts of making an adept project model, they are now ready to sail through the game with it.
Build and conquer all is what these NALAYAKS believes in!
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